Byronosaurus jaffei

Dinosauria › Saurischia › Theropoda › Eumaniraptora › Troodontidae
(Archosaurs) (Dinosaurs) (Theropods) Coelurosauria > Maniraptora > Paraves > Troodontidae

This small, bipedal dinosaur lived in the Late Cretaceous. It was feathered like most of the theropod branch. probably catching small mammals and lizards. in the troodontid family.

The first fossil remains of this species were discovered in 1993 in Mongolia. (Similar to many maniraptorans like Troodon and Velociraptor) It was feathered, had a retractable sickle-claw on the second toe. many unserrated teeth, unlike most troodontids, more like Archaeopteryx